
Toddler Group

Trampoline and slide at Tiddlywinks

Tiddlywinks is for children age 0-3 and their parent/carer. It meets on Mondays during term time from 10.00-11.15. Please book to attend. 

Play kitchen area at Tiddlywinks

Tiddlywinks is a place for parents/carers to have fun with their baby/toddler (age 0-3) and to meet other parents/carers. Please book to attend.

We meet in the Methodist Hall - please enter through the side-door up the right hand side path of the church (through the small gate). When you come in, turn left if you've got a buggy to park-up and then come through to the hall. 

Please bring a drink and snacks for your own child. Hot and cold drinks will be served to parents/carers. There will be a singing time around 11.00 for those who'd like to join in. 

We've now changed our booking system from Eventbrite to Churchsuite. The new system allows us to move our register (required for safeguarding purposes) to be kept securely online rather than on paper and will make it quicker for you to sign-in when you arrive. 

To book, please go to our events page and find the Tiddlywinks session. Click on the session and you'll find the sign-up form at the bottom. You will now be asked to book a place for all the adults and children attending. Please book each space using the correct name (so use your child's name when booking their space) as this becomes our register. Sessions will be on the events page as 'unconfirmed' until booking opens the week before. 

There is no set charge for the session, but there is a tablet available if you would like to give a donation. While we suggest a donation of £3, you can choose the amount, including not to give every time or at all. 

If you or your child are unwell on the day or you have an older sibling off school, we will look forward to seeing you at a different session. If you do have a chance to cancel your ticket, that will allow someone on the waiting list to come.