When do I need to stand up?
Most of us stand up to sing hymns and usually stay standing after the last hymn for a final prayer of blessing. We sit down for the rest of the service. If you can’t stand for too long, or don’t wish to stand, please feel free to sit as much as you like.
Will I have to sing?
Our services involve singing because we believe it’s a great way to worship God together. We encourage you to give it a go, but there is no pressure for you to do so. Sometimes our worship band lead sung worship. At other times we have a pianist.
The song words are projected on a screen. For many songs, large print books are available; please ask one of the people handing out books at the front door. The song numbers are on the boards at the front.
Do I need to know the prayers?
Prayers are usually lead from an individual at the front for you to join in quiet reflection. Sometimes we say prayers out loud together – you are always welcome to listen instead. The words will be on the screen or explained by the person leading the prayers
Do I need to give any money?
No. If you would like to give a monetary gift, there is a contactless machine and place for cash at the back of the church.
What should I wear?
There’s no dress code for attending our church services, come as you are.
What if I don’t know anyone?
We have a welcome team at the door to greet you when you arrive. And there’s tea and coffee which you can take into the service. The welcome team can answer any questions you have, help you find a seat, and introduce you to someone if you’d like.
What is Holy Communion?
Holy Communion is the sharing of bread and wine as shown by Jesus in the Bible. We do this to remember Jesus and everything he has done for us. In this church, the wine is non-alcoholic, and the bread is gluten free.
Everyone (including children) is invited to join us in Holy Communion, whatever your background. If you have children, you might like to think about how your child would like to participate in this part of the service before you come. You can tell when it’s a communion service because there is a cloth over the table on the stage.
For Communion, we stay in our seats. The minister and stewards will bring you the bread and wine. If you don’t wish to receive communion, you can indicate this to minister or steward when they come to you.
What about my children?
Most Sundays, children will leave the main service for their own session called COGs. The start of every service aims to provide something children can connect to before they go through to COGs.
There is also a sofa space with toys and books. This provides a space for any children who want to remain in the service. You are welcome to take toys to your seats, but by the sofas does give children more freedom to move around and be noisier.
Can I come if I’m not a Christian?
Yes! All are welcome and you don’t have to believe before you can belong. We hope you feel welcome and find services useful and enjoyable.